Located on Haida Gwaii in the northwest coast of British Columbia, Copper Bay Lodge is a stand-alone operation offering more steelhead variety and solitude than you will ever find again. Surrounded by pristine wilderness, this beautiful beachfront lodge overlooks the Hecate Strait. The rivers of Haida Gwaii present a challenging, and very interesting scenario for spey fisherman. With its ancient, old-growth forests looming overhead you have to put thought into every single cast you make. Casting with purpose will provide bites in this rich environment. No matter how experienced of an angler you are, you will leave these islands much improved.
This lodge now has a loyal cult following and space is hard to find. Regular visits from Bob Clay, Justin Miller, Jeff Bright, Bill Marts, Tom Derry, Ed Exum, and many other Steelhead gurus have been bitten by the allure of the small streams of Haida Gwaii. The potential for 20-pound plus tide fresh fish in small shallow creeks is enough to keep anyone's spirits high even through the toughest conditions. The great thing about this area is the variety of water available. Some creeks only fish after a lot of rain, while others fish better when the weather is dry. That means no matter what happens you will be fishing amazing water all to yourself.
If you like to get off the grid, and enjoy swinging flies near the ocean, you won’t find a better destination to try.